Who Are We?

Our Mission

Biochemists Association QAU, Islamabad (BAQI), Pakistan was established under the umbrella of Department of Biochemistry QAU and aims to promote scientific culture by organizing seminars, conferences, workshops and job fairs. BAQI is also trying to bridge the gap by connecting biochemistry and molecular biology professionals working in different sectors so that collective efforts may carve future path for students and young researchers.

Our Department has produced a number of leading researchers and analysts, performing their role in different Sectors, we are interacting with them to fill the gap and to provide a bridge between Professionals (either Serving as medical researcher, general practitioner, teachers or any other Sector) and Present students by providing important and latest information and chronology of all major areas of Biochemistry/Molecular Biology in the country and all over the world.
This will help to build a strong professional networking that in tern ultimately will benefit current students in various regards, like job creation, scholarships, financial assistance, promotion of scientific activities, Career counseling for biochemistry students and other educational and social aspects.
In this way we will have professional terms between our faculty, Ex-Students (Alumni) and Present Students.
Our VISION is to provide a healthy forum for all biochemists to promote Science and Scientific Culture and to built professional terms.
If Today is out of question but tomorrow is in our hand. So, let us join hands to avail our tomorrow and show our colour and existence on the Glob of World.
Our Slogan is: [ Knowledge, Dedication, Excellence ]



The inauguration of Biochemists Association QAU, Islamabad (BAQI) took place on Thursday, 2 June 2011 at Geo Auditorium Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad with mutual efforts of all members’ especially executive body of BAQI under the supervision of advisor Dr.Iram Murtaza. Inaugural guest of honour was Prof.Dr.Masoom Yasin Zai who is the vice chancellor of QAU; Patron in Chief BAQI and eminent Scientist in the field of Molecular biology and Biochemistry. The chairman of Biochemistry department Prof.Dr. S.A Malik chaired the whole session as Patron of BAQI. Other guests were the Registrar of QAU, teachers of Biochemistry department along with dean of biological Sciences, student affair incharge, students and researchers of Biochemistry department.

Founding Executive Body of BAQI: (from left to right) Mr. Muhammad Nawaz (President), Farah Fatima (Vice President), Imran ullah Yousaf zai (Secretary General), Shiv Ram Ashraf (M.Phil Cordinator), Yunis khan (Finance Secretary) and Azfar Ali Bajwa (Joint Secretary).

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Have any questions? We are always open to talk.